Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media

Collaborative Conversations for Writing Arguments
This lesson shows how students can share claims and evidence via a short video recording that their peers can view and then provide feedback. Students will use Flipgrid One to record thesis statements, reasons/evidence, and/or conclusions as part of their writing process for an argument. Use this lesson within an argument unit or writing workshop.

I can:
  • Identify claims, reasons and relevant evidence within text.

  • Write an argument, introducing the claim and organizing the reasons and evidence clearly to support the claim.

  • Plan an appropriate concluding statement that follows from the argument presented.

Tech Skills:
  • Online search

  • Accessing a website using a code

  • Screen-reading for directions

  • Web-cam recording

Materials and Resources:

Flipgrid One or Flipgrid Classroom

Topics of students’ choice or teacher-provided text


Grade Level:
  • 6th Grade
    (Can be adapted for other grade levels)
Subject Area:
  • ELA (Writing an argument)

Each of the activities will be incorporated into a lesson on separate days. Students will be working on reading and writing arguments in between these activities.


Activity 1:

Introduce Flipgrid
After you have created your Flipgrid account and topic, provide students with code. Begin with a practice topic, such as “Best test-taking tips.” Students have only 90 seconds to record their response. As students finish and you approve videos, have them view their peers’ recordings. Discuss as whole class both the technical process and the content of the videos.


Activity 2:

After Reading
After the students have read an argument article, have them use Flipgrid to record the claim, reasons, evidence, and conclusion of the article. If you use Flipgrid Classroom, students can provide video feedback and continue the discussion.


Activity 3:

During the Writing Process
To quickly assess students during the writing process, have students record parts of their essays in FlipGrid. For instance, topics to record can include thesis statements, strongest reason, evidence from text, conclusion, etc. Have students view their peers’ recordings to provide constructive criticism.


Practice Activity:

Use Flipgrid throughout the school year for formative assessments and collaborative conversations.



W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

a. Establish a thesis statement to present an argument.

b. Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

c. Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the argument presented.

Supplementary Resources:

Newsela Pro/Con articles

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