Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media
Roots and Affixes
Students will research Greek and Latin roots and affixes, their definitions, and identify examples of words that use them. Students will then create a slideshow to share this information, utilizing their keyboarding skills.
I can:

Use Greek and Latin roots and affixes to determine the meaning of words.

Tech Skills:
  • Keyboarding

Materials and Resources:

Dry erase boards and markers

Project Template

Grade Level:
  • 4th-8th Grade
Subject Area:
  • Language Arts

Activity 1

  • Introduce students to the idea of roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) with an interest catching video, such as this word part rap or this Harry Potter themed video. (Note that the Harry Potter video does have one example that is not Greek or Latin.)

  • Provide students with a list of words with a common root, such as audience, auditorium, and audible. Ask students what the words have in common. When students identify “aud,” ask students what they believe “aud” means, especially considering its use in the given words. Let students work in pairs or groups until they determine the meaning.

  • Ask students to make a list of other words containing aud using their dry erase boards.

  • Next, provide students with a list of common Greek and Latin roots, such as on this website. Students are able to view an alphabetically searchable list of roots, prefixes, and suffixes and to filter by origin. Each entry contains the meaning, and when students click on an entry, it will provide multiple example words. Students can click on any of the example words to be given a definition for that particular word.

  • Alternately, this website has a large list of Greek and Latin roots and their definitions, as well as example words with their definitions.

  • Depending on your need and the time you have available, either assign students specific roots, prefixes, or suffixes to research. Or, allow students to choose a minimum of 3-5 roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

  • Ask students to record a meaning for each root, prefix, and suffix that they have either been assigned or have chosen.

  • Next, ask students to record two words and their definitions for each root, prefix, or suffix they have researched.

    • For example: Aud-Hear
  • audible - loud enough to be heard

    audience - people who listen to a program


Activity 2

  • Provide students with a template for a slideshow, such as this Google Slides template. Make a copy of the template and adjust it to fit your needs. For example, create as many slides as students will need. Or, if you assigned specific roots, prefixes, or suffixes, you can place one on each slide. To make it easier, duplicate the current slides and adjust them as needed. This will make it so students only need to type their own information.

  • Share the template with your students, either through Google Classroom, email, or any other means you have available. If sharing through Google Classroom, you can make each student a copy automatically. Otherwise, students will need to make their own copies before beginning to work. Alternately, a template can be made using Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, or Google Docs. However, using a program with slides makes for a cleaner finished product.

  • Allow students sufficient time to create their slideshow.

    Students will need to type the information they found into the template on each slide.

    Each slide should contain the root, prefix, or suffix and its definition.

    Each slide should also contain two example words and their definitions.

  • Students can turn in their finished projects through Google Classroom, email, or any other means you have available.

  • If desired, students can present their slideshows to the class.


***Other ideas: Using Greek and Latin roots and affixes is a skill that can be used throughout the year. Modify these activities to suite your needs. Other ways to use a similar activity include:

  • Focus on one root or affix a week. Students can create one slide each week and turn in the project at the end of each quarter.

  • After completing the project, provide students with a writing prompt. Students can type a paragraph in Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

    Example prompt for student-selected roots: What is a profession that contains one of the roots you researched? Describe what someone in the profession does.

    Example prompt for teacher-selected roots: What does an audiologist do? Explain why audiologist is the name for this profession.



Extension Activity

  • Create a list of above grade level words that contain roots the students have studied.

  • Also, provide the words’ definitions, but in a random order.

  • Have students match the words to the correct definitions by using their knowledge of the root meanings.


Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., telegraph, photograph, autograph).

Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., photograph, photosynthesis).

Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible).

Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., belligerent, bellicose, rebel).

Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede, secede).

Supplementary Resources:

Scholastic Game: Students are given a Greek root’s definition and asked to identify the meaning of a word containing the root.

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