Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media

Test-taking Skills Infographic
Students will research test-taking skills and strategies to help them succeed on Ohio’s Standardized Tests. They will organize those test-taking skills into an infographic using either Piktochart, Google Drawings, or Google Slides.

I can:
  • Apply appropriate research and inquiry methods to conduct a research project.

  • Apply multiple resources to conduct short research projects.

  • Gather relevant information from print and digital sources.

  • Paraphrase the data and conclusions of others.

  • Draw evidence from literary or informational text to support analysis, reflection and research.

  • Include technology in a presentation to clarify information with multiple components to include: music, images, graphics and sound.

Tech Skills:
  • Online research skills

  • Mouse skills (Click, select, drag and drop)

  • Keyboarding skills

  • Hovering over icons for more information

  • Screen reading for directions

Materials and Resources:

Student-found or teacher-provided resources on test-taking skills

Google Drawing or Slides



Grade Level:
  • 6th Grade
    (Can be adapted for other grade levels)
Subject Area:
  • ELA (Research and graphic design)

Activity 1:

Preview and Gather Test-taking Strategies

  1. In small groups or whole class, brainstorm test-taking strategies. Gather ideas in a shared Google Doc or on chart paper.

  2. In small groups or individually, research test-taking strategies. Instruct students to cite their sources.

  3. For authentic data-gathering, have students develop survey questions for their peers about test-taking strategies. Students can use Google Forms or another survey tool to gather the data for charts on their infographic


Activity 2:

Create and Publish Infographic

  1. Make a rough draft elements on infographic.

  2. Login to Piktochart or open a new Google Drawing or Slides.

  3. Create Infographic, including the following elements: Header, subheading, student name, 1+ graph, 2+ images, 2+quotes.

  4. Save and share infographic with teacher.


Practice Activity:

Create another infographic on another topic using the required elements.


W.6.7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.

W.6.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others, while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.

W.6.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research

SL.6.5 Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.
Supplementary Resources:

Test Prep & Review Strategies for Grades 6-8

Top 10 Test-Taking Tips for Students

Test-Taking Strategies Youtube Playlist

Piktochart Youtube Channel
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