Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media

Nationalism in the Real World
This lesson allows students to explore the idea of nationalism by finding a relevant example based on their interests. This lesson builds on a previous class discussion where I asked students to define what they felt the key attributes of nationalism. They then had to find an example that fit each of the attributes we chose. I had students choose historical events, tv show fandoms, and even sports teams! It was really interesting to see the connections they made to a somewhat abstract concept.

I can:
  • Connect the definition of nationalism to a real world example

  • Use the internet to conduct research into my chosen example of nationalism

  • Accurately input information and explain my examples in a Google Document

  • Use Google Slides, or some other program, to create a one slide summary of my example of nationalism

Tech Skills:
  • Text Editing

  • Keyboarding and Mouse Skills

Materials and Resources:

Nationalism in the Real World handout

Google Drive Account

Student laptop or other device



Grade Level:
  • 9th & 10th Grade
Subject Area:
  • Modern World History

  • American History


Activity 1:

  • Begin class by asking students to review the key attributes that the class decided on the previous day.

    I provided the definition of nationalism and then allowed the students quite a bit of freedom in deciding what they thought the key attributes are, they did a very good job of it!

  • Once the students have recapped the key attributes, transition them into activity #2 - coming up with their own example of nationalism.


Activity 2:

  • Share the Nationalism in the Real World handout with students.

  • Instruct them that they will be researching their own example of nationalism.

    Be sure to explain that their example does not have to be something historical, only something that they feel fits the key attributes of nationalism.

  • Students should begin the activity with a brainstorming period, trying to come up with an example of nationalism outside of what we have studied in class.

    Once they have come up with an idea, they should be using their laptop or device to conduct research on their example.

    This research will help students complete the Nationalism in the Real World handout

  • Once they have completed the Nationalism in the Real World handout, students should summarize their chosen example in one slide on Google Slides.

    Students need to include at least one relevant image or video in the presentation.



Practice Activities:

  • Students will be presenting their one slide summaries to the class and explaining/justifying how their example fits into the attributes of nationalism


ONLS: Modern World History

14. The causes of World War I included militarism, imperialism, nationalism and alliances.

Supplementary Resources:

Nationalism Overview

Who Started WWI Crash Course
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