Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media
Daily Journaling to Improve Keyboarding Skills
Begin every class with a journal entry to engage students, as they practice composing at the keyboard and improve their speed, accuracy, and fluency.
I can:
  • Identify task, purpose and audience for various types of writing.  

  • Determine appropriate organizational structure to use for various types of writing dependent upon task, purpose and audience. 

  • Write for various tasks, purposes, and audiences for shorter time frames.

Tech Skills:
  • Keyboarding (speed and accuracy)

  • Editing keys (Delete, backspace)

  • Mouse skills (drag and drop, click, select/deselect, drag/slide, scroll, click inside a table or dialogue box)

Materials and Resources:
  • Journal prompts customized for your students (See examples in procedures)

  • Format of Journal

    • Google Forms

    • Google Docs

    • Google Classroom

    • Seesaw (or another blogging site)

  • Timer
Grade Level:
  • 6th Grade (Can be adapted for other grade levels)
Subject Area:
  • ELA (Writing)

  1. Choose a method for daily journaling and model journaling for students so that they understand your procedures and expectations.

    • Google Form Daily Journal Template (Use this gForm method for quick collection and possible feedback via Flubaroo or Forms Quiz mode.  You will have to make your own gForm)

    • Google Docs through Google Classroom (Create a doc and assign in Classroom)

    • Question in Google Classroom

    • Use a blog site like Seesaw

  2. Create and explain a prompt for your students.
    • Related to the day (Thanksgiving: Count your Blessings)

    • Related to your shared reading: (While reading Tuck Everlasting: Weather is used in Chapters 22-24 to emphasize the dramatic events that occur as well as the dramatic internal changes in Winnie.  Provide and explain one example of this with the page number.)

    • Related to your students’ opinions (Should we extend the school day? Why or why not?)

    • Occasionally offer your students the option to “freewrite” about a school-appropriate topic of their choice.


  3. Set the online timer for 5-7 minutes.  Instruct the students to type as fast as they can.  Encourage them to be accurate, but at first speed should be their priority.

  4. Share entries with a partner or whole class occasionally, comment on entries, and/or allow for peer comments or editing.  

  5. Continue revising and editing by requiring students to choose one journal entry to submit as a formal essay.


W.6.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Supplementary Resources:

Journal Prompts (By essay type and available as a PDF)

Prompts on Pinterest

75 Journal Entry Prompts for Kids

180 Journal Writing Prompts

How to use Google Classroom and Docs for Journals
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