Daily Journaling to Improve Keyboarding Skills
Begin every class with a journal entry to engage students, as they practice composing at the keyboard and improve their speed, accuracy, and fluency.
I can: |
Identify task, purpose and audience for various types of writing.
Determine appropriate organizational structure to use for various types of writing dependent upon task, purpose and audience.
Write for various tasks, purposes, and audiences for shorter time frames.
Tech Skills: |
Keyboarding (speed and accuracy)
Editing keys (Delete, backspace)
Mouse skills (drag and drop, click, select/deselect, drag/slide, scroll, click inside a table or dialogue box)
Grade Level: |
- 6th Grade
(Can be adapted for other grade levels)
Procedure: |
Choose a method for daily journaling and model journaling for students so that they understand your procedures and expectations.
Google Form Daily Journal Template (Use this gForm method for quick collection and possible feedback via Flubaroo or Forms Quiz mode. You will have to make your own gForm)
Google Docs through Google Classroom (Create a doc and assign in Classroom)
Question in Google Classroom
Use a blog site like Seesaw
- Create and explain a prompt for your students.
Related to the day (Thanksgiving: Count your Blessings)
Related to your shared reading: (While reading Tuck Everlasting: Weather is used in Chapters 22-24 to emphasize the dramatic events that occur as well as the dramatic internal changes in Winnie. Provide and explain one example of this with the page number.)
Related to your students’ opinions (Should we extend the school day? Why or why not?)
Occasionally offer your students the option to “freewrite” about a school-appropriate topic of their choice.
Set the online timer for 5-7 minutes. Instruct the students to type as fast as they can. Encourage them to be accurate, but at first speed should be their priority.
Share entries with a partner or whole class occasionally, comment on entries, and/or allow for peer comments or editing.
Continue revising and editing by requiring students to choose one journal entry to submit as a formal essay.
Standards: |
W.6.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. |