Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media

Treaty of Versailles: Goals vs. Reality
This lesson plan has students critically reading background information about the different goals of one of the three major countries negotiating the Treaty of Versailles; Great Britain, France, and the United States. Then students will be creating a comparison between the goals going into the negotiations and the reality of the treaty itself. Students will be required to analyze a provided text and then take key ideas from it to apply to their compare and contrast chart.

Students can use a variety of compare and contrast tools for this assignment, however, the website,, has templates that work great for this assignment. One is included in the materials section.

I can:
  • Compare and contrast my assigned country’s goals and realities at the Paris Peace Conference

  • Analyze a text to determine the goals of my country and the outcome in the Treaty.

  • Create a visual comparison between the goals and realities of my assigned country

Tech Skills:
  • Text Editing

  • Keyboarding and Mouse Skills

Materials and Resources:

Student laptop or device

Treaty of Versailles readings

Creately or other graphic organizer account

Goals and Realities Graphic Organizer



Grade Level:
  • 9th & 10th Grade
Subject Area:
  • Modern World History
  • American History

Activity 1:

Students will be assigned one of the three countries who were major players in the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles; France, Great Britain, and the United States.

After students have been assigned their country, they will need to collect information about their country’s goals leading into the Paris Peace Conference.

  • Students can collect information in a Google Doc or on paper.

Once students have a clear understanding of what their country was trying to accomplish heading into the negotiations, they should then begin researching the outcomes of the treaty, comparing the actual outcomes to the original goals.



Activity 2:

After the students have completed their research, they can organize their information into a graphic organizer template.

  • Creately and ReadWriteThink have great templates that students can use to create their online graphic organizers

Students can use a variety of formats to show their information, but a Venn Diagram works great to show the goals vs realities of the Treaty, as well as the factors that each country was successful in obtaining.



Practice Activity:

Students can share their responses with classmates and use the Treaty of Versailles graphic organizer to take notes of the other countries’ goals and realities.


ONLS Modern World History:

15. The consequences of World War I and the worldwide depression set the stage for the Russian Revolution, the rise of totalitarianism, aggressive Axis expansion and the policy of appeasement, which in turn led to World War II.


ONLS American History

15. As a result of overseas expansion, the Spanish-American War and World War I, the United States emerged as a world power.

16. After WWI, the United States pursued efforts to maintain peace in the world. However, as a result of the national debate over the Versailles Treaty ratification and the League of Nations, the United States moved away from the role of world peacekeeper and limited its involvement in international affairs.
Supplementary Resources:

Treaty of Versailles Background Information

Treaty of Versailles Primary Source

America’s Library - Treaty of Versailles

Outcomes of the Treaty

The Big Three


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