Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills in Everyday Classroom Activities Western Reserve Public Media

M.A.I.N. Causes of World War I Infographic
Students will be creating an infographic to visually represent the four M.A.I.N. causes (militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism) of of World War I. The website Piktochart will be used in this lesson and students will demonstrate their ability to edit text, format images, and create a visually appealing final product.

I can:
  • Summarize the four M.A.I.N. causes of World War I

  • Utilize the website Piktochart to create an infographic

  • Insert and format both images and text in a way that is easy to understand and visually appealing

Tech Skills:
  • Text Editing

  • Keyboarding and Mouse Skills

Materials and Resources:

M.A.I.N. Causes Handout and Grading Scale (Google Doc-make a copy)

Laptops or other student devices account (Free sign up for basic account features)

Infographic Examples Slide




Grade Level:
  • 9th & 10th Grade
Subject Area:
  • Modern World History

  • Modern American History

Activity 1:

  • Students will begin this lesson with an class discussion/overview of the concept and use of infographics.

    The teacher displays the slide linked above in resources and leads students in a conversation about how infographics are visual representations of factual information.

    Depending on the maturity and previous knowledge of the students, the instructor can also have students find their own examples to share with classmates in order to have a clear understanding on an infographic.

  • After students are comfortable with the purpose of an infographic the teacher should pass out the M.A.I.N. Causes infographic handout.


Activity 2:

  • Review the project requirements with students prior to starting on the computers.

  • Once students know the project expectations, students should navigate to and create a free account.

    Instructor will be demonstrating account creation process and basic tutorial on the projector.

  • After students have created an account there will be a basic overview of how to use the different tools

    Students can insert textboxes and images, change fonts, colors, and backgrounds, drag and drop objects to change location, and many other skills driven feature.

  • Once students understand the basics of the website they can begin working on their M.A.I.N. causes infographic.



Practice Activities:

  • Students will complete their infographic and share via email with the instructor.


ONLS: Modern World History

14. The causes of World War I included militarism, imperialism, nationalism and alliances.

ONLS: American History

15. As a result of overseas expansion, the Spanish-American War and World War I, the United States emerged as a world power.

ONLS: Technology Standards - Information and Communications Technology

-Create artifacts using digital learning tools and resources to demonstrate knowledge.

-Use digital learning tools to represent and model complex systems of information to a target audience.
Supplementary Resources:

Infographic background info

Piktochart Video Tutorials

The 4 M.A.I.N. Causes in 6 Minutes video
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